All posts and pages on this website constitute my own personal opinions. They are neither read nor approved by my employers, sponsors or anyone else before posting and do not represent the views and opinions of anyone besides me, myself and I.
They also do not constitute the official corporate position taken by Proact.
For more details, check out my Disclosure page.
The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.
Some content/text here will be rewritten/will have fix of typos with help of AI as English is not my native langeuage 😊
You are 100% responsible for your own IT Infrastructure, applications, services and documentation. owners, authors and contributors assume no liability or responsibility for your work, and you are responsible for any inconvenience, incompatibility, damage, or lack of satisfaction that you experience by undertaking any or all of the steps mentioned in this blog.
Please independently confirm anything you read on this blog before executing any changes or implementing new products or services in your own environment.
And some post is for informational purposes only, I searched a tip that told me about this service, I am sharing the same with my readers without the intention to deprive any services. I believe this documents holds no false data or misconceptions.
Furthermore, authors and contributors are free to express their opinions, positive or negative–they are, like all opinions, not reflective of any larger group, and do not represent the opinions of anyone else.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of any companies or employers featured or not featured on this website.
The information, codes and the exploits in the advisory shall be used for research, experimentation and bug fixes and patch release only. The author shall not be liable in any event of any damages, incidental or consequential in connection with or arising out of this advisory, or its codes and exploits.
The scripts is written by me, with possible references and so on to/from other sources.
While efforts are made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information and accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The information on the website may be changed or updated without notice.
However, here we are all only human and mistakes are possible. You are welcome to add suggestions and corrections. All web links we post here are, in the best of our knowledge and belief, linked to reputable software. However, I hold no responsibility whatsoever for any download you make on the net.
Some content on, including text, scripts, images, and other materials, can be/is protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of any content without written permission from me/the original source is strictly prohibited if under copyright laws. You may use the information for personal and non-commercial purposes, but any commercial use of the content is strictly prohibited.